Suntara is one of Australia’s leading Sound Healers.
  Suntara means “Bringing Light to the Earth” and that is his soul intention with his Sound Healing and Music.

With his unique and powerful voice that is often described “other worldly”, the sound vibrations that Suntara channels penetrate deep, moving and shifting energy leaving the audience feeling light, clear and deeply relaxed.

Suntara recently completed a 27 month world tour with Sold Out events in 11 countries.  Travelling with his wife and twins Ezequiel and Sequoia their world travels were sustained completely from the tour.

Suntara has also performed at various festivals throughout the world including Mind Body Spiri Festivals (Australia and London) the Festival of Dreams, Lost Paradise and Peats Ridge Festival as well as opening for Sacred Earth at their Sydney Album launch.

Suntara currently lives in Ubud, Bali and is a resident Sound Healer at the Pyramids of Chi, the largest purpose built Sound Healing centre in the world.

“Suntara channels the love of the Divine through his beautiful sound healings. Transformational and much needed work for our people & our earth. Thank you Suntara for listening to your hearts calling….”
Prem Williams – Sacred Earth Music


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(My Story - Transcript of the video above)

My name's Daniel Coates, Suntara, this is Joshua Tree, and we're going to take you on what's called a sound journey today, or Sound Healing journey.

Hands up here if you've ever done a Sound Healing before. Wow, quite a few of you. That's good.

Before we start, I want to tell you a story that really illustrates the power of sound, okay?

It was 11 years ago. I was working as an IT consultant in London, working at Credit Suisse. What I used to do is I'd go and do a contract in London, then I'd go traveling for a year, and then go back and do another contract. I did that quite a few times.

This particular year, 2006, I was really over being an IT consultant, completely over the office, and I knew there was some sort of deeper calling that I had that was drawing me to something else. But that particular time in 2006, I was struggling to deal with being in the office, so what I did was, I was looking for something that I could do that would help me clear the stress, clear the negativity of doing something I didn't want to be doing. So I thought, I'll do some singing, because singing's my medicine. Singing's what makes me feel great.

So I went online, and I was looking for my singing teacher that I had had in London four years prior in 2002. When I went on the internet to try and find Heather, my singing teacher, up came someone else's website, and it was a guy called Alexander Massey, who's an opera singer. And I also knew him, so I obviously just got their websites mixed up. When I saw Alexander's website, the opera singer, I saw that he had a workshop on his home page called "Dreamsounding". The description of the workshop was that he was going to sing over our bodies with his opera voice for an hour and a half.

I thought, that sounds like just what I need. So I went along to this workshop. There was about 10 of us there. We all laid down, and Alexander came out with his shamanic drum, a bit like this one I've got on the ground here and he chanted over our bodies with his massive, booming opera voice for an hour and a half. Now, I got so relaxed. I wasn't expecting that. I got so relaxed. I was an IT contractor, right? I got so relaxed, and the negativity and the stress that I was holding onto from working in this job was cleared away in that evening session.

I thought, wow, that's amazing, and I went out of that session, I felt so good, I felt so happy. My mind had gone still. I had none of this negative chatter happening. I went out of there, and I was still and clear, and that still small voice within that Raylene was talking about, I could hear it. So two weeks later ... I was able to go to work in the next day, and I felt great, and I was able to handle being in the office, and I felt relaxed, but after about two weeks, London started to get back on top of me again, the tube travel and all that. But Alexander had another workshop, so I was able to go along, and once again, he came out with his shamanic drum and chanted and sang over us for an hour and a half.

This second time round, it had the same effect. Cleared all the negativity, cleared all the stress. I got really relaxed, and I was able to go to work, and I felt good. I felt really good and clear. And then I took a week off work, and I went up to a place in Scotland called Findhorn. Has anyone heard of Findhorn? Yeah? Cool. Findhorn's this amazing place in Scotland. It's an ecovillage, permaculture place where you can go and do courses. So I went to Findhorn and did what's called "Experience Week". I was in a group of about 25 people on this Experience Week, and the first day I was on that course, I met a beautiful young lady from Venezuela. We had a real connection, a real heart connection.

We spent that week at Findhorn getting to know each other, planting trees together, working in the organic gardens, and we had a great time, and at the end of that week ... She was working in London, so it was good, because I worked in London too, so we could get together. So at the end of that week, we were heading home to London, and I said to her, "When we get back to London, I'll call you." When we got back to London, guess what I did? I didn't call her. I didn't call her, because you know why. This little voice got in, and it was saying, "You know, she's so beautiful, man. She's too good for you. She doesn't like you." Does anyone know that voice that gets in sometimes?

And it was saying, "Oh, you're from Australia, man, and she's from Venezuela. Don't go starting something here." So I listened to that voice, and I didn't call her, and two and a half months passed, and I hadn't called her, I hadn't emailed her, I hadn't texted her, nothing. So as far as she was concerned, I must have just dropped off the face of the earth.

Then, on a whim, I just decided to call Alexander, the opera-singing Sound Healer guy. I called him up, and I booked in a one-on-one session with him. I went out to Oxford where he lived, and I went into his healing room, and I laid down, and it was just him and me and his opera voice. He chanted over my body for an hour and a half, and this one was ultra-powerful, because it was just me and him.

I got off the mat, stood up, and I left his place, and I just felt incredible. I felt so happy. He'd shifted so much negativity out of me, I just felt so alive. Then I left his house and went to Oxford train station to go back to London, and in that moment I pulled out my phone and I called her. And now we've been married for 10 years. She's standing over here in the yellow top. This is my wife, Rosarmy, and we've been married for 10 years now. We've got twin eight-year-olds. We've actually been living on the road for 15 months, traveling around with my Sound Healing around Australia.

I tell that story because it illustrates in a very personal way and very simple terms how powerful sound can be. Ever since that happened, I've been very passionate about this. So today, as like as every other time that I do a Sound Healing journey, it's my intention that you have a similar experience, where the sound comes through.

As Raylene was saying, we are vibration. Sound is vibration, so just allow the sounds to connect with you. Allow the sound to wash over you and wash through you. And maybe there's an area of your life where you feel like you want to shift something out of the way. You feel like you're in your own way. Set an intention for this session for something to be blown out of the way. Or maybe you've got some physical pain or something going on, you can set an intention for this Sound Healing to help you in some way...